Please save the date of Sunday April 10th 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. to join myself and Creator and Life Coach Erin Anderson of LIVE BIG CO. for a tailored workshop for Brite’s Community on how to re-emerge from the past 2 years of living through a pandemic and all that entails; athletically, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and socially.
As athletes once gunning for best times, finish lines, qualifications and metric improvements, our goals maybe have shifted over the past 2 years. What we once thought was true for us may have altered. How we once defined success or set goals may not be what it once was. Let’s have that conversation and ground ourselves in our new reality.
On April 10th, we will have that clarifying conversation about re-emergence into a proverbial athletic & social arena with vigour & drive using our new narrative and defined by our new terms.
Erin will guide us through some intention setting and place meaning back in to our training and our performances, inclusive of any expectations and outcomes that tease our minds and egos. Erin will lead us through a process of grounding and expanding, questioning and cleaning out. She will leave us with a lot to think about and even more to build upon.
No matter where you are in your cycle of sport, fitness, competition, this conversation is for you. And, the time is right to have it.
Zoom Link is here:
Meeting ID: 991 765 5211
Sunday April 10th - 4-6p.m. PST