Brite Coaching: Official Coaches for Lotus Cycling Club
Training Overview for the 2024 Season
For the eighth season, Brite Coaching will oversee the weekly Wednesday night training rides for Lotus Cycling Club. While each season is anchored in the local Gran Fondos – Penticton, Fraser Valley and Whistler, many rides also jump into crit racing, Haute Routes, and Cycling BC’s race series. The role of Brite Coaching is to design and coach structured training rides every week as well as offer our expertise regarding cycling fitness, racing options, nutrition, pacing, group riding dynamics and how to be a fit and healthy rider.
Of course not everyone is at the exact same fitness level or cycling ability. We get that and structure sessions to maximize the experience for every level. Our goal for Lotus is to give every rider invaluable nuggets of information to develop as a cyclist raise their fitness ceiling while keeping the rubber side down. At the same time, it takes commitment and drive on a consistent ongoing basis. Chipping away week after week is the only way to develop as a strong confident and competent rider.
How It Works:
Each Wednesday, Lotus riders will meet at The Westbrook Community Centre at 6:00p.m. sharp ready to roll. Prior to heading out for the workout, the Coaches will spend 5 minutes explaining the focus of the workout, how to execute and what we will be watching for.
Training Progression:
Workouts will progress from long moderate to shorter harder throughout the season. Riders will begin with endurance intervalsbuilding aerobic oxygen rich fitness and the ability to endure longer efforts. From there we will progress into shorter more intense intervals to get hearts beating a little faster and legs pumping a little stronger. Mixed into these intervals will be substantial pace line work, pacing strategies and cadence variability. The next phase of training is to work at very high intensity with ample recovery. Riders will maximize effort knowing they have tons of rest between to rinse, recover and repeat.
Topics to be discussed and practiced are sprinting, accelerating, bridging gaps and attacking for some. For others, we will discuss clipping in, climbing, cornering and pacing. The Lotus Training Plan is structured such that Wednesday evenings are about training your body to become a fitter and faster athlete. Hence these evenings will be more intense. We anticipate riders to join the weekend endurance rides or perform other longer lower intensity sessions throughout the week to compliment and enhance their overall aerobic development.